Sunday, February 14, 2010

Soon People Who Cannot Work with Computers Will be Disadvantaged

It explains the present need of computer knowledge.
Its an era of computers. In every industry now a days computers are becoming a neccessity. And it should be a nessesity too as it can really work wonders for any organistation.
And i very much agree to the point that the people without the knowledge of computers will be disadvantaged as computer is the language of the present world. Evry organistation may it be private or government is tryin to computerize there all departments.
Due to this Computer era the growth of the software proffessionals to Develop the softwares for these organistaions has also grown manifold. So in the present situation if anyone is not having any knowledge on computers will be like illiterate sitting in the office watching other people running the race from them
And even the companies will not be interseted hiring the people without the knowledge of computers because they cannot add value to there organisation. Working mannually will just mean that the growth of that particular organisation in the given environment tends to be stagnent or on the declining edge. So if one is intersted in moving ahead in life with others he has to have sound knowledge of computers and if possible the different tools which are beeing used a lot today.
So at last I would like to conclude that it is the nessesity of time to be a computer literate if not proffessional in computers to move on in this fast competeting world.

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